Dentist with special interest in Endodontics, GDC no 185845
We are an award winning independent dental team in the heart of Darlington, County Durham offering the latest advances in Endodontics. Root Canal Treatment can be a predictable alternative to extraction and we accept referrals for complex cases from dentists throughout the North East.
Professional Experience:
2020 - Present Visiting lecturer in Endodontics at Tipton Training.
2019 - Present. Endodontics module leader at City of London Dental School.
2016 - Present Dentist with special interest in Endodontics at a Private Dental Practice, accepting referrals for complex endodontic
treatments, including apicectomies.
2011-2021 Associate Dentist, accepting referrals for endodontic and implant treatments.
Clinical Skills:
I use dental operating microscope in 100% of my endodontic cases and magnifying loupes in restorative cases.
I use top of the range endodontic equipment such as apex locators, NiTi rotary files and system B obturation.
I perform micro surgical endodontic treatments with dental operating microscope.
I place and restore implants.
I am trained at delivering short term orthodontic treatment.
2015-2018 PG Diploma in Implantology City of London Dental School
2012-2015 MSc in Endodontology Chester University
2003-2009 Graduated as DMD Bucharest 2009 UMF “Carol Davila” Bucharest, Romania
2023 Became the first British fellow of the prestigious Style Italiano Endodontics.
2021 Delivered several endodontic courses. Lectured nationally and internationally
Delivered several one-day courses independently and through Tipton Training
2020 Delivered several webinars on endodontic topics through City of London Dental School
Delivered several one-day courses through Tipton Training
2019 Winner of the prestigious GDP Prize, British Endodontic Society, for an instrument and technique that I developed.
Published several articles in national dental magazines.
Delivered a 2-day endodontic course in the North East.
2018 Published first article in a national dental magazine.
Patented an endodontic instrument
2017 Accepted as Member of the Faculty of General Dental Practitioners (UK)
2016 Winner ‘Clinical Case of the Month’ at Bupa Dental Care